About The Company

Photo by Stephanie Berger

KRISTI ANN SCHOPFER began her dance training in New Jersey at Dance World Academy and R.A.D. (Royal Academy of Dance). She then toured the east coast and on Carnival Cruise Lines with Connecticut-based Dance 10 Touring company, decked out in sequins performing Fossé inspired tap and jazz numbers. After three summers of the Ririe Woodbury and American Dance Festival programs, she decided to continue pursuing her love for modern dance at the College at Brockport, receiving a BFA in Dance and a minor in Studio Art. While at Brockport, Kristi Ann was also a recipient of the Lipson award, granted to study abroad in Florence, Italy for the summer of 2009 with Monica Baroni, David Dorfman, Amy Chavasse, and others. After a choreographic project with Janis Brenner in 2010, Kristi Ann was introduced to the dynamic duo that is Kyla and Aaron of BARKIN/SELISSEN PROJECT. She has been working with B/S P since 2012 as both dance artist and managing assistant. Kristi Ann has danced for Kate Griffler of REVERB since 2015, and joined Janis Brenner & Dancers in 2016.
Kristi Ann is also a Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and facilitates movement workshops with Girls Educational and Mentoring Services’ (GEMS); an organization that empowers girls and young women ages 12–24, who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking, to exit the commercial sex industry and develop to their full potential.
Photo by Tom Caravaglia