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Active Repertory


Music by Bang On A Can , Meredith Monk, and Performers

Performers: group

Time: 15 minutes

Photo Credit:  Russell Haydn Photography


"Humorous at times yet emotionally powerful, Lost, Found, Lost explores our personal connection and attachment -- to material goods and social relationships alike. The choreography began with the artists yelling: "I lost my ticket", "I lost my program", "I lost my phone", before it moved onto more serious thoughts such as "I lost my memory." The performance was dynamic and energetic featuring numerous leaps and lifts, and ended with each of the dancers presenting what I presume was an item that they had lost, found, and lost... from a sock, a pet, to loved ones. Wonderful performance!"
Jason Chuang blog, August 2017

"Congratulations on attaining and evoking a moment of the sublime: a moment that was clearly and obviously enriched by gentle humor, acceptance of the tragic, and an acute awareness of the boundary across which emotions and gestures move from being dense with meaning. We yearn for and are grateful for moments like these in our lives." Dr. Michael Stepniak, Assoc. Dean of Performing Arts --Adelphi University December, 2007

© 2014 by Janis Brenner, Webdesign by Katherine Richardson

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